Packages (Applications) are the base items provided through the API. Each package returned by the API includes the following information, in an alphabetical order:
Type | Example Value | Purpose |
category | "demos" | Category of package. |
coder | "mjbauer95" | Developer of package. |
contributors | "mjbauer95" | Contributors. Usually empty / none. |
controllers | "w" | More information in Controllers section. |
display_name | "Libmii Example" | Name / Title of package. |
package_type | "dol" | Type of package. Possible types: dol, elf, thm (hbc theme). |
downloads | 220 | Amount of downloads. |
extracted | 232449 | File size of application, when extracted. |
internal_name | "libmii-example" | Also known as hbbID. Used for sorting internally. |
long_description | "An example of libmii. It shows each Mii entry as a name." | Long description for the package. |
rating | 7 | Rating of application between 1 to 10 |
release_date | 1237611600 | Release date specified by the package. |
short_description | "Example of libmii" | Short description, displays on HBB front page. |
updated | 1237611600 | Date of last update. Same as release_date, for now. |
version | "0.1alpha" | Package version |
zip_size | 115725 | Size of zipped package. |
Last updated